Guidance for speaker upgrade

Hello, I got some good advice here some months ago and added the VTL 2.5 to my system. I'm now looking at upgrading my speakers (Mirage M7 si). I have a Bryston 3BST, Benchmark DAC1 and Airport Express (I rarely use my Adcom GCD 600).
I really enjoy the wide soundstage and clarity of M7's but the bass could be improved. Room size is 10.5' x 24, unfortunately I'm restricted in placement to about 1.5' from front wall (long wall).
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Should I consider bookshelfs?
Might want to add a high quality subwoofer. I own a Rel Storm 3, augmenting Intuitive Design Summits. Those already go so low that the crossover on the Rel is set at 27 hertz.
If it opens into another room you will probably want a good sub with most speakers. With your equipment I would think about a used pair of NHT 3.3's. They would give you what you want and allow placement against the wall (designed to be placed against the wall). They are very deep though. Probably would not need a sub either.

Good luck!
Thanks for your input guys.

To date I've listened to the following:
- Quad 12L
- Totem Rainmaker
Of these two I prefered the Rainmaker, more clarity.

- Von Schweikert VR 1
- JMLab Profile 908
I felt the JM had a more refined sound, but felt
something odd was going on at the very high

- Proac Sudio 110
This unit came highly recommended by my VTL dealer. I
would probably include it in a home audition.

The next two on my listening list (scheduled for this
coming weekend) are the:
- Spendor SP3/1P
- Dynaudio Audience 52SE

I've recently been referred to two additional units that I've started researching:
- Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand
- Aerial 5b

I hear your comments concerning sub requirement. Is the best value proposition a sub and standmounted or could a floorstanding give comparable value considering my room layout and distance to front wall restriction (1-2')?

Any comments you may have relative to these units or
their compatability with my components would be
greatly appreciated.
There's no reason at all that a floorstander couldn't be used with a subwoofer IF the subwoofer is well integrated and IF the subwoofer is restricted to reproducing the lowest frequencies (by setting the crossover low enough). In my opinion only the very largest floorstanders are truly "full range." For example, my Paradigm Studio 100 V3's benefitted tremendously from the Rel Storm 3 I was using. However, the crossover point was set at something like 28 hertz. With my current speakers, it's set even lower at 27 hertz. One caveat is that the sub has to be up to the task.