Guilty Pleasure recording?

I will date myself by this, and hate to admit to it, but one of the reasons that I love getting into vinyl now, is that there is some music that is not available digitally. I wish I could say I was talking about some legendary, sublime classic recording of a great orchestral performace, but instead in this instance I am talking about bad 80's rock.

Right now I am listening to my guilty pleasure record: The Producers "You Make the Heat". No one ever likes it as much as I do when I play it for them. Some have heard "She Shiela", but usually they have not heard the album before, and don't care to again. But I love it.

Anyone have bad, guilty pleasure records, that are not available digitally, probably because there is no demand?
OK, Mapman mentioned the Partridge Family, so I feel better about the Producers now.
I've got three--any one of which would get me thrown under the Serious Music Bus. In fact, the last one might cause the bus to back over me to make sure the job is truly and well done.

Ambrosia: One Eighty (1980)
Art Garfunkel: Breakaway (1975)
Lenny LeBlanc: Hound Dog Man (1977)

Oh yeah, my first casette was the "Partridge Family Album" when I was nine years old. Played the hell out of that tape on the family Ampex cassette player w/built in mono speaker. Swore I'd have a funky painted school bus when I grew up.
The Sinceros-Pet Rock....The Tarney Spencer Band-Three's A Crowd, Run For Your Life

The PFA was also one of the first recordings I ever purchased on my own. It was on 8 track however but I believe the little $25 red mono player I owned may have been an Ampex as well.

I graduated to cassette shortly thereafter followed by $200 SAnyo am/fm/phono/cassette integrated system shortly after that as well. That was a huge investment in music for a teenage kid back in the early 70's.

I own no funky colored vehicles however (so far).