Gyrodec Best Tonearm

I have the beautiful Gyrodec/Zeta tonearm combo in my system. I would like to know which tonearm could be a good upgrade for my set up...

My friend has one, he uses a SME V with it (with Benz Reference cartridge). A very nice combination.
I haven't listened a Zeta so I can't guesstimate which are better tonearms but if I were you, I would take into account the cartridges you like.
Thanks for your responses. I am currently using Ortofon Kontrapunkt A and I really love there Cadenza model. I bought this setup from a really good friend which took really good care on the unit. I was thinking of sending the Zeta arm to Audio Origami to have it check and re tune and re wire if need it. But in the meantime I would like a suggestion for another great tonearm for the Gyrodec.
I currently use a Graham 2.2 and a Jelco 750, both of which should work well with the Gyrodec but there are many, many good arms out there. You might consider upgrading the arm cable if you haven't already dome it.