H2O Signature Stereo vs H20 Signature Mono Amps

I am in the process of downsizing my rig and am curious to learn more about the H2O amps.

Has anyone compared the signature version stereo amp to the signature version mono amps? If so, please share your findings in the comparing of the 2 set-ups?

Do the signature mono's perform that much better than the signature stereo to justify twice the price?

Is Henry coming out with a pre-amp? If anyone has info on this, please share what you know.

Are the H2O amps a fully balanced design?

I am strongly considering matching a good tube pre with solid state power amplification. If you have had success or failure doing so, with the H2O amps, please share your experiences.

The stated-load related performance is consistent with the size of the capacitor bank - doubled in the monos. The power supply in the standard stereo unit looks similar to the power supply in the Signature monos shown in the picture over at 6 moons. It used to be that a mere 4 ohm load was considered demanding.

There can be other reasons for choosing monos such as a pre-existing cable set or aesthetics.

Of course it would be fun and real interesting to compare a pair of the S250 Sigs passively biamping a bitchy load with a pair of the Sig monos. Same price point.

Kinda like comparing a chipped out Audi S4 2.7T with a stock BMW M3....let the fun begin!
