Harbeth 40.2

Anybody have any experience with the Harbeth 40.2 speakers regarding room size, placement, power requirements, and of course the subjective stuff, especially regarding comparisons to other speakers in their price range?
Thanks all for the information! I have a big open room, with family rm and dining room in one big space. Family rm is about 20 x 26 and is 20 x 40 with the dining room....BUT, and maybe a huge issue, I cant pull the speakers away from front wall more than a foot or so. I’ve got 3 or 4 feet on either side, with an 8 ft separation between existing spkrs, and an 11 foot coughered ceiling in the family room that reduces to 9 ft in the dining room. Bass boom could be an issue...yes?
I think aside from any potential bass boom caused by being only a foot from the wall, I feel that most speakers (aside from those designed to be on or near wall) will never perform anywhere near their potential.

Perhaps a mini monitor could get further out into a room, and use a sub to reinforce low frequencies?

Could a panel speaker become a room divider ?
The high end dealer setup I heard had them a good 1/3 of the way into the length of the room with listening position somewhat forward of that maybe about in the middle.  That's the only way I've heard them but dealer seemed to know what they were doing.   They are good sized and probably benefit from space around them.  Soundstage was mostly left to right and slightly behind speaker location but not by much.  I enjoyed the audition very much. 
I’m 21 years old and hear perfect up to 20khz still. If you can’t hear above 10khz anymore I totally understand your position to disagree with me. Look at how the speakers measure. There is the classic BBC dip which literally means it will be quieter in the midrange.
Rest assured that being 21 does not guarantee pristine hearing. I also did not realize that midrange was considered to be in the range of 10khz+. Quieter also does not necessarily translate to any loss of detail.
I own 40.2 Anniversary model now after recently upgrading from the 40.1 model. I might not need to say this but I am a huge fan of Harbeth speakers.  The 40.2 is the best speaker I've ever owned.  
I haven't compared them to every speaker in their price range, but I'm so satisfied with their sound that I have no desire to shop around.
Some excellent speakers I've heard include those by Wilson, Sonus Faber, B&W and Tannoy.  All of those sounded excellent to me, but the Harbeths just sounded the most natural and balanced.  
The best sounding speakers I've ever heard are the Tannoy Westminsters, but those cost a lot more than the 40.2's and are enormous in physical size.  
Even though I'm an audiophile, I have no desire to put giant speakers in my room.  I want my music gear to blend well with my room both in sound and in appearance.  Some of the mega speakers just look so alien to me, I don't know how people can tolerate their appearance, even if they sound really good.  
There's a reason that 40.2's don't often show up on the used market.  Once you buy them you never want to get rid of them.