No one has said that the carbon-7 equals the Harbeth. I guess what can you expect for 1750.00. I just really don't want to spend 3500.00 plus stands at this time. I'm going to audition the Carbon-7 but I feel the Harbeth is probably the speaker for me.
Harbeth-7es or Fritzspeakers carbon-7
These are 2 speakers that people always rave about. I haven't heard either. The Harbeths are sold through traditional B&M stores stores so you have to pay the full mark-up. The Fritz speakers are sold direct so you don't pay the dealer mark-up. I'm wondering If these speakers are comparable. The Harbeths retail for 3500.00 and the Fritz speakers sell for 1750.00. I would Imagine the Fritz speakers would retail for about 3000.00 If they were sold through normal distribution channels. If anyone here have heard both I would love to hear your comments.