Harbeth Compact 7's on the way: Amp suggestions?

I recently purchased a new pair of Rosewood C7's. I should have them soon. I had the P3's in a small setup, and sold them about a year ago, so it's time to play again. I will incorporate these in to my main system, as an alternative speaker to listen to. System: Kuzma Stabi Ref, and Ref 313 VTA. EMT tsd 75 (Air Tight PC-7 on back up head shell), A23 Step Up, Shindo VR Pre/phono... The amp I will be using to Break In the 7's is a Croft Phono Integrated. The passive volume control will be in the chain, but I have tried this with the P3's, and it was better than I thought it would be. No knock on the Croft (it's really nice), but I think I will be moving on from it soon. Price range: $3,000...used or New... The great majority of Harbeth owners seem to have Solid State, but I'm open to either Tube or Solid State. I do think the former will have to have some Oomph...perhaps a quad of KT 88's or KT 150's. I'd like to avoid balanced topology, as I want to use my existing RCA cables. Thanks in advance, and Happy New Year. 
I'm lusting after the Air Tight ATM-2...A bit too much money. Thanks so far. 
I had the Compact 7s for a while in a vinyl-only system.  My experience was that a good solid state amp with 100+ watts made them sound best.  I believe that Alan Shaw makes similar claims on the Harbeth forums.  In any event, a Bryston integrated was my favorite, even better than the fantastic Primaluna Dialogue HP.  When I wanted some tube flavor to the system, I went with a tubed phono stage.  I imagine that a tube preamp with a solid state amp would work very well.  

Just my 2 cents,
I just noticed on this sites sister C7 thread, someone went Line Magnetic 518 22 watt SET. That's the second time within the last few weeks I heard of someone having success with low power tubes and Harbeths. The other model was above C7 though. I have heard the C7 is easier to drive than the HL5, despite the similar specs. My Shindo amp model are wired for a 16 Ohm load, and I'm just not going to go there. 
The 100 WPC Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II made the C7ES3 sound better than most systems I have ever heard.  
Made them more transparent with midrange clarity and bloom.  My system has evolved up since then but not necessarily better....a magical combination if there ever was one.  
Rogers EHF-100 MKII Tube Integrated Amp would be a nice pairing. There’s one on US Audiomart for around your budget.