Harbeth Comparison

I loved the Harbeth Super HL5s at the RMAF. Has anyone compared the HL5 with the Harbeth Monitor 30 and / or 40.1? I am very interested in adding a Harbeth to my system.
I own the SHL5s and have listened to the 40.1s multiple times. You have a large space(22' x 25') and both SHL5 and 40.1 will fit the space well. Most comments by Airegin have been spot-on.

Before you commit to the 40.1s, I feel it would be prudent to at least try them in your room if it's possible. As with most speakers, it's all about managing expectations, more so with large full-range designs that pump out considerably more bass. More bass usually equates to more problems, and more effort is required to control bass resonance unless one does not mind some coloration. Interaction between loudspeakers and the listening room is crucial in this context, more so with the 40.1s. The Harbeths don't go too deep in the bass but their warm and full sounding bass may present some problems in certain listening environments, (some "boominess" in some rooms), especially the larger 40.1s with an additional 12" bass driver. Ultimately it depends on the type of music that you listen to or how fussy of a listener you are. One will be able to live with the Harbeth without any room treatments if expectations are low.

Good luck.
I have owned both the SHL5 and 40.1, The midrange is more detailed with the 40.1, much more bass both in depth and fullness. Can be very hard to control depending on room and amplification. Treble seemed more extended in the shl5 but not better or more resolved. The SHL5s in the same room with the same gear produced a much nicer soundstage (IMO) filled the front wall from top to bottom side to side and wall to front of baffle. 40.1s throw a very high stage, wide but not as much depth. 40.1s are btter all around, but it depends on room. Bass can be an issue and hard to get it dialed in. In a year of owning the 40.1 I never felt the bass was equal to the rest of the freq. range. It is a harder speaker to setup than the shl5. If I was to go back to the harbeths in this same room I would go either the 30.1, or shl5 with my current pr. of JL audio subs before I would buy the 40.1s. Good luck with any purchase you make.
Thank you all. It is certain that I will have to audition at home.

Thanks again for all the assistance
Honeybee i used to own the yamaha you have but i sold it and bought the Luxman 550 A II, certainly a huge improvement sonically and in every sense.
Yamaha was powerful but the sound never engaged me as very musical, i was able to have both at home and compare back and for, i also had the Cayin KT88 at that time, certainly the Luxman was that kind of amp that you will live forever forgetting about upgrades.
If you read the harbeth UK forums, many own the combo with the compact 7ES3 and they are very satisfy as I am, not thinking on upgrades for a while, maybe just my cartridge.


well known combinations.

good luck.
Great tip. Thanks.

I also have the matching Yamaha CD S 2000 SACD (which runs balanced XLR) into the amp.