Harbeth Super 5s vs 5+s

Hi all. I am at the stage of finalising my system. I currently have Harbeth Super5HLs as my speakers (with a Concert Fidelityy pre and Lamm 1.2 Refs in).

I have an opportunity to change from my current Harbeths Super5s to 5+s - but it will cost me around $3400 US net to make the change. How much of a difference is there between the previous Super 5s and the new 5+s? I'm just trying to decide if it's worth the extra $ outlay.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
I had the 5's and they were a nice speaker... and while I've not heard the 5+, I think you'd be much happier if you find a used pair of 40.1's. IME, the 40.1's are a considerable upgrade to the 5's. The 40.1's are under appreciated in the audio community IMO and are a steal @ around $8K used.
I don't know of a speaker that is more tonally correct than the Harbeths. The October 2015 issue of The Absolute Sound contains an excellent review of the Harbeth HL5-Plus loudspeakers written by Paul Seydor.

I agree with Pdreher. And I have heard them work very well in a smaller room without bass pboblems; and that was the 40, not the 40.1.
I've heard both and agree with Pdreher. If your room will accommodate, I'd spend the extra money and upgrade to a used pair of Monitor 40s. No disrespect to the Super HL5's--a great speaker for sure.