Thanks to all for your comments. I certainly intend to listen to them all and make my own decision based on my likes/dislikes. Always have. Since I originally intended to go with a 100 watt tube amp (Rogue Stereo 100) I guess my concern at the moment is whether or not that is enough power for the Treos. I hear that they are a bit power hungry. Could I hear from Treo owners as to how much power they are using with their Treo speakers and perhaps whether or not a tube or transistor amp is preferred?
Harbeth vs Vandersteen vs Sonner
Hello All. I am considering a new system and after listening to the Harbeth 30.2's with Rogue Electronics I thought I was sold. Recently, however, I heard the Sonner Legato Duo's and was quite impressed. Since the Sonners have been compared to the Vandersteen Cleo CT's I am now planning to give the Cleos a listen too. Is anyone in a position to comment on how these speakers compare?