Let me preface this by saying that I can do no better than regurgitate what I've read elsewhere. RF noise, unless it's pretty substantial, shouldn't be a problem. If the signal get through, the signal gets through. (Satellite tv would be a good example; it looks perfect until it goes haywire.) I suppose that your cable could act as a conduit for nasties making their way into the dac, which I would think is another issue altogether.
As for jitter, there are numerous technologies in DACs that lay claim to the ability to reduce or even eliminate jitter, and some quite convincingly.
All in all, I'm beginning to think those that those "purists" who dismiss a HD transport out-of-hand are sounding more and more like luddites every day...(as improvements are made to narrow the gap, of course!)
As for jitter, there are numerous technologies in DACs that lay claim to the ability to reduce or even eliminate jitter, and some quite convincingly.
All in all, I'm beginning to think those that those "purists" who dismiss a HD transport out-of-hand are sounding more and more like luddites every day...(as improvements are made to narrow the gap, of course!)