I've been struggling with this one for a while. I don't own a lot of CDs, less than a few hundred overall and no more than 50 or so that I access for playback at any given time. I still tend to buy CDs here and there, but mostly vinyl. So while I have what I consider to be a very nice transport/DAC combo, I've often wondered whether I should go to a computer or hard drive based system. I am interested in online music down loads so there is a benefit to not having to burn CDs, but the whole aspect of which method is better, HD or computer, firewire, ethernet, USB, or wireless, totally confounds me.
I've been very interested in the Transporter and like the idea of the Squeeze Touch (or other options that let me use my existing DAC). However, if that isn't enough you have the discussion Tbg started on SSD vs. optical drives. Go over to the Computer Audio asylum on AA and there is enough information to rattle your brain for days.
Granted, I think the computer and HD systems can offer better reads, possibly better sound, but more convenience? It certainly hasn't been very convenient for me to figure this all out.
I've been very interested in the Transporter and like the idea of the Squeeze Touch (or other options that let me use my existing DAC). However, if that isn't enough you have the discussion Tbg started on SSD vs. optical drives. Go over to the Computer Audio asylum on AA and there is enough information to rattle your brain for days.
Granted, I think the computer and HD systems can offer better reads, possibly better sound, but more convenience? It certainly hasn't been very convenient for me to figure this all out.