In my experience, I was way more successful and had better results in terms of musical enjoyemnt laying tile over concrete . I was going to do a wood floor in my basement but changed my mind when a neighbor who had wooden floors over concrete in his basement started to get rises, bows, and seams splitting in certain areas. He had the wooden floring for about 5 years, so, perhaps some of this is wear and tear, but, it was noticeable, and a persone could trip or something could get caught in the areas of the floor where it was rising. If done right, I am sure you may not have problems, but wood will always need to be treated.
I used ceramic tiles over radiant floor heating system and could not be happier. I used throw rugs in strategic locations in front of the speakers to reduce unwanted echoes. No problems after 5 years in my house with a full tile basement, just musical bliss. Good luck,