I have to add that the Boston Mat1 is also a very good mat. It is extremely quiet. It takes away some of the harshness as well as some detail. That is my only complain with it.
Comparing it to the Harmonix, you will find the Boston to be bloated, muddy and compressed. Hi frequency detail is much rolled off. The Harmonix makes things more spacious, rounded and extended. Price wise, the Harmonix costs 50% more than the boston ($199 vs $315)so you have to take that into consideration too.
Comparing it to the Harmonix, you will find the Boston to be bloated, muddy and compressed. Hi frequency detail is much rolled off. The Harmonix makes things more spacious, rounded and extended. Price wise, the Harmonix costs 50% more than the boston ($199 vs $315)so you have to take that into consideration too.