Harmony Remote Control

I was all set to pick up a Harmony 880 remote to simplify my HT system, but read a whole lot of negative reviews. Comments like cheap construction, faulty connection to the docking station and tiny buttons scared me away. For those of you who have this or another HT remote, can you share your experiences? Are these complaints nit picking or for real? Is there a remote out there that is better?

Showing 1 response by shadorne

It works but software crashes from time to time and you have to be careful to keep it pointed in the IR receivers direction for about 5 seconds to operate a full HT setup...Cable Box, DVD player, AMP, and TV. The pointing issue is a severe limitation because kids tend to hit the off button and toss the Harmony on a chair any old how....this may or may not have the intended conseequences depending on which way the IR Transmitter is pointing.

I use a Harmony in my second HT setup.