Harry Pearson HP No Longer at TAS

From John Atkinson:

So, it's official. Harry Pearson is no longer with The Absolute Sound after nearly 40 years. According to publisher Jim Hannon, "Harry’s life-changing heart surgery has prompted him to rethink how he wants to spend his time going forward. Consequently, it is my unhappy task to inform you that Harry Pearson has decided to resign from The Absolute Sound."

I also read he is starting a new web/blog site hpsoundings.

I know some of you don't like HP, but without him and J. Gordon Holt, I never would have found this hobby, let alone make it a business for over 20 years. I had the pleasure to meet both of these gentleman a few times throughout the years and found them to be bigger than life.

I started my subscription with TAS back in 1980 and have never let it lapse. I'll miss HP.
I was sad to hear of HP's physical problems but The Absolute Sound is a shell of what it used to be. I seem to remember that the first issue that I put my hands on was around 1983. TAS called a Carver amp a boat anchor. What TAS has become is a slick organ of the industry that lives on its advertising. Can you imagine the magazine publishing a review like that today? I think not.

My hope is with this new venture that Harry can talk about whatever he wants without any censorship. That would be worth reading . I never met Harry but I the arrival of the Absolute Sound in the past would have me away for hours reading every word. Today if I find and article or two in it I consider it a success. I hope Harry uses this opportunity to get back to his roots and please call something (anything) a boat anchor again!!
Mofi, thanks for the heads up,

I have been reading TAS since issue 9 (love the old cover art) and will find hpsoundings to keep up with Harry's musings.
My best wishes to Harry Pearson. The Absolute Sound has had a huge impact on musicians and listeners who love music and music reproduction which can not only envoke emotion, but actually lift the spirit.
I haven't picked up a copy of The Absolute Sound in quite some time and it's sad to hear of Harry Pearson's situation. The upside to all of this is to hear him and his musings without the constraints of The Absolute Sound. I wish him the best.

All the best,