The seller will service it. These are actual audio dealers in China, not just some guy selling stuff online. I bought a CD transport from the Queenway Store which was claimed to be a clone of a Wadia circuit. I broke an internal cable trying to open the chassis. I contacted the seller via the built-in AliExpress messaging system and they quickly responded and after a week or so they sent me a replacement cable for 1$. If you have to ship items back for service I believe the standard is that you have to pay the shipping, and they ship it back to you on their expense. At least one store I saw said they have a 30 day free shipping both ways in case of a defect.
Shipping from China can take a LONG time, and very expensive, especially if you have to use sea / train freight. Definitely something that should be considered.
Shipping from China can take a LONG time, and very expensive, especially if you have to use sea / train freight. Definitely something that should be considered.