
Responses from axeis1

Got Innuous, now a DAC
I think a Chord Qutest might be a good match  
My Sonus Faber Amatis have weak bass even though I'm running ML 536s--800 w/ch into 4 ohms
Did I miss the part where you told us about speaker placement? How far off the wall behind them? How far apart are they? How far away do you sit from them? Are you using the Naim as a streamer and the Classe as preamp and Dac? I’m not a big fan of... 
soft dome versus hard dome tweeters
I really like ribbon tweeters. The ribbon tweeter in the ProAc speakers are exceptional. That said the the Dynaudio Esotar 3 is the best tweeter I’ve ever heard.  
speaker upgrade fever
I have a Mimas. I tried some NOS tubes I preferred the OE tubes for overall balance. I also had my Mimas built with Cardas Rhodium Binding posts. I also use a Shunyata Alpha NR v.2 power cord. My speakers are the Dynaudio Heritage Special. Oh and ... 
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
I’d recommend the ProAc K6 signature big and beautiful sound, Vandersteen 7’s, Dynaudio Confidence 60  
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
I’d recommend the ProAc K6 signature big and beautiful sound, Vandersteen 7’s, Dynaudio Confidence 60  
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners…
I had Super HL5 found them a bit boring. I currently have Dynaudio Heritage Specials, best tweeters I’ve ever had   
Any regrets in selling gear?
I miss my VPI TNT 3 /Graham arm/ Van den Hul Frog Also miss my Mark Levinson no.38s and no.332 Apogee Mini Grands with DAX  
Streamer recommendations
I use an Auralic Aries G2.2 as my Streamer. Dac is a Chord DAVE.     
Help Deciding On New Speakers For Small Room, $10k budget
If you can find a pair the Dynaudio Heritage Special has arguably the best soft dome tweeter available!! The Esotar 3. You’ll want the Dynaudio stand 20 with special top plates.The other speaker would be the ProAc K1 with the dedicated stands. It ... 
Power cord upgrade
I use all Shunyata. Alpha NR V.2 on my Mimas, and Dave. The new Shunyata Theta NR on Auralic G2.2 streamer. Alpha XC V.2 on Denali 6000 V.2  
Speaker Suggestions for Next Move
ProAc D48R they sound huge width, height, depth. But also tremendous focus and musicality. They also do the disappearing thing incredibly well. Lastly not hard to drive.  Vandersteen’s for sure . Quattro Wood CE are really good too.,” if you’re in... 
Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation
ProAc:  Tablette , Studio , Response D2 are all front ported .  
Is There Some Problem With Shunyata's Everest Power Conditioner
I have a Denali 6000S V.2 with an Alpha V.2 XC to the wall. It's an outstanding piece of gear.   As far as a lot of used Everests' who knows, could be there's something better that the Uber wealthy think is better for twice the price.   
Where Do I Go from Here?
Speaking with experience and ownership. You didn’t mention; I’d first run several dedicated 10awg , 20 amp AC lines. Use Furutech or Oyaide AC outlets. I like Oyaide R1 outlets. Then a Shunyata D6000S V.2 with the Typhon T2. power distribution. Th...