Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?

There are a lot clones coming out of China and power amplifiers seem to be along for the ride.
Mark Levinson, Goldmund, and Accuphase are some of the big names I see replica’s being advertised for sale. These replica’s range in price from $500-$2000. My curiosity every time I see these always is do they even sound like the brand they are trying copy? Another thought that comes to my mind when I see them is, are they even safe or reliable. I myself wouldn’t touch one of these, but that’s me. Has anybody heard one? If so it would be interesting to hear some opinions regarding these amplifiers.

Let sleeping dog lie. Why resurrect this thread? Who care buy what you want from who you want. Free market. 

I was the owner of a company that made work over rigs (like a mini oil derrick on wheels for fixing wells).  We had a supplier in China who manufactured certain parts for us.  Had QC problems that we helped them through.

Ton”reward us”, they would make 100 parts for us (a part they was largely consumable) and 100 parts for them they would sell with our name on it.  Identical stuff.  Realized there is zero way to stop the theft.  They straight up thought it was fine to do.  No concept of personal property rights.

So we stopped using them and changed our specs arbitrarily so their part wouldn’t fit.  They went broke.

This is 100% true of anything made in China.  



There is a tube, class a/b with dac I am trying to get my hands on to review. USD $1900. Should be interesting…

@webking185 +1 I have one Accuphase A-70 “inspired” Chinese amp, A class, it’s very good, measured and sounds! But.. it took me two months discussing with them what need to be done in details..