It is not compressed.
Qobuz is better than anything on a CD when truly hi-res, but if you have a really good CD quality stream, you are not going to notice anyway. Either way, Qoboz, Tidal CD quality (not MQA), etc. are all not compressed.
Given this statement, you are pretty much saying that even when you don't hear a difference, there is a difference, so how will you know either way?
Qobuz is better than anything on a CD when truly hi-res, but if you have a really good CD quality stream, you are not going to notice anyway. Either way, Qoboz, Tidal CD quality (not MQA), etc. are all not compressed.
Given this statement, you are pretty much saying that even when you don't hear a difference, there is a difference, so how will you know either way?
people who have streamers I have heard do not have systems that show these flaws.