Ralpho isn’t someone you want to get information from. Reminds me of all the people that put misinformation online. If people don’t know, why don’t they just not comment?
Either way, Conrad Johnson made the Premier 1 amplifier which operated on 6550 power tubes 200 watts per channel. Conrad Johnson then made the 1b which operated on EL34 power tubes at 150 watts per channel. There was never a 1C. The 1b was made because consumers wanted a powerful amplifier that ran on EL34’s. The EL34 power tube is desired by a lot of audiophiles over the 6550 tube. Most say, the EL34 tube is sweeter and gentler with the presentation and also has better inner resolution.
I own the Premier 1b and Premier Four amplifiers and they sounds fine after turn on in 15 minutes. But can say after on for 1 hour, they are at their glory.
I’ve never recommended to anyone to get replacement tubes from the manufacturer of where the component was purchased because they do not have the best sounding tubes for the item. They may have new, reliable tubes but most of the time the tubes are almost always way over priced and not a great quality sounding tubes.
Along with these 2 Premier CJ amps I’ve mentioned, I also have 5 other CJ tube amps, 15 other tube amps by companies like Cary, Canary, Audio Research, VTL, Single ended designs etc
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