Has anybody tried the Reed 3P?

I own the Reed 2A and have the 'Magnetic Reed' on lone which I can buy. But I am also curious about the 3P as a possible next one.

Nandric, I don't pretend to know what is best either. I was just commenting on what some successful designers are using. I have played with constrained layer design in my plinth and armboard and I believe it works well. That said I am sure the Reed pod should work quite well. I personally prefer not to use arm pods because its too easy to knock them out of alignment unless the pod and TT are super heavy. If I were to use a pod I would notch out holes for the feet of the TT and arm pod in the TT shelf to stop them from moving around relative to each other.

Dear Sean, There was no other option with my Kuzma and back then I got my first Basis Exclusive with 2 independent phono-pres. Nobody want to embarrass himself but back then I thought that an armpod (aka 'turret') was much better solution than a 'simple' armboard connected with a 'trembling thing' like LP-12 which I owned before my Kuzma. Every time that I approchead the arm-lift I was 'trembling' myself begging the Almighty (as a pragmatic atheist)to have mercy with my stylus. There is btw no way to decide anything without some premiss which one hopes to be true. Not the deduction is a problem but those damn presuppostions.Anyway I was very
glad to find the Reed and even more so when Vidmantas agreed to 'build' both 'instruments' for me. I am still happy with 'both' but my armpod is more 'durable' then the
tonearms; my 2A is my third. BTW never 'knocked out' the armpod nor the alignment in 'all' those years. You may consider some other hobby with your character(grin).

Nandric, Which hobby should I consider? How about stamp collecting? No, I may get those wet from crying about having no music. ;)

I'm glad you're having success with your setup. Maybe I'm over thinking it too much.

I'm also really enjoying my Reed 3Q alot. Very easy to setup and adjust. It's not to picky about cartridges and sounds great. If the 3P sounds as good as Vetterone says I may have to give one a try.



you can see the video for 3P azimuth adjustment on the fly here

Looks pretty cool!
Wow - that video is short but perfectly clear. Extremely clever engineering.
