Has anyone bought the OPPO 105 and has an opinion

Trying to compare the OPPO BDP-105 and the SONY XA5400ES. Any body have any thoughts?
A person in our neighborhood has purchased the Oppo 105 for video use (mostly). We are getting together at my place tomorrow night to see how it sounds in my passive system - RCA Vs XLR. We will be comparing the Oppo to my existing SACD player.
Auditioned the Exemplar oppo and my Arcam FMJ 23 was every bit it's equal. The Bryston BPA-1/BDA-1offers much better SQ.
Exemplar's product, if I understand it correctly, is a highly modded oppo player.
SQ=sound quality
Rockyboy, yes it is a modified Oppo 105 we are talking about not the 95 or earlier. I think the new output stage they put into the Oppo in this mod. really makes it exceptional.