Has anyone compared Rogue RP-7 to Cary SLP05 and / or Audio Research Ref 5se?

Currently using Rogue RP-7 and considering moving to either Cary SLP05 or Ref 5se.  Looking for a little mid range bloom.  

Thanks in advance for recommendations, comments, etc.


Rogue RP-7, AGD Audions, Bricasti M3, Joseph Audio Perspectives, Cardas Clear



I had an RP-9 and it has no bloom - more SS like in its presentation. ARC Ref 6 has just a *little* bloom, is technically amazing; nicely positioned between tubes and SS, sonically. VAC preamps have bloom, a romantic sound, and gorgeous mids with increasing levels of articulation and soundstage as you move up (just watch gear pairings so the bass doesn't get a bit tubby). I’d expect any good preamp designed around 6SN7 to have great tone and good airiness. 6H30, 6922, and 6SN7 are all great preamp tubes. 12AU7 not so much.

Everyone thanks for all the great information.  I guess what really interests me is the "6" series tubes.  Sounds like a number of great options.  Now to find something I can try out.  Additional opinions, suggests, recommendations aways welcome. 

Thanks again. 


As I stated I'd lean more toward the Cary SLP-05. Since you are entertaining other options I suggest to also consider the Atma-Sphere preamplifiers (Do you have a particular budget range?).The MP-1 is superb in my opinion. this or the SLP-05 over the ARC.


Post removed 

Thanks for all the great input.


Atma-Sphere makes great equipment but out of my reach cost wise but thanks.  

Sounds like the Cary might be my best bet.  Now to find one on the used market!