Has anyone had experience with the Schroeder Arm

In a high res setup has anyone been able to compare this arm to the top pivoting competition.I think that the fact that the pivot is magnetic as opposedto a bearing like a unipivot(needing damping) should on paper be less resonant and maybe sound better.I currently own,and,am happy with a Graham 2.2,but the idea of a true frictionless bearing (all bearings have some degree of friction)really could make a real difference in a good setup.I'm not interested at the moment in straight line trackers with air bearings (although I love some of them)due to the hassle of external pumps and tubing runs.

Thanks for the links. I actually found the Galibier site on an AA post. That looks to be the place to buy.
Hi everyone,
Sorry, I was/am busy setting up/demoing turntables at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. I'm going to be on my way again shortly, so you'll have to wait sometime longer for a CLD related response. Raul, please send me a message with the serial# of the arm once you've received it. I can then tell you it's effective mass,length and give you an idea for the range of carts it will work best with.

Have fun,

Frank: I think I can't give you the serial number because this people wants to be anonymous.
Yes I appreciate if you give me the effective mass of your tonearms.
About your cartridges recomendation Tks but no: we do these tests with out any influence.
Regards and enjoy the music.
Hello Raul,
Sorry to say this, but unless you give me the serial# I won't be able to tell you the eff. mass of that particular arm. Since this arm was likely sold through an importer/dealer I wouldn't know who the customer is(nor do I care). I assure you that, even if I knew, I would not disclose the identity(and why should I?).
As for the eff. mass of my arms: The Reference can be ordered with armwands ranging from 5 - 50(!)gr. eff. mass. So there are many different ones around that certainly won't suit just any cart you care to mount.
And who is "we", as in "we do these tests without influence"?
Make shure that gentleman sends the instructions along, too...
Cartridge recommendations simply refer to proper matching of the physical parameters, not the sonic properties.
Waiting for your reply,

best regards,
