Has anyone had success converting friends?

As many times as I invite friends over to listen to my stereo and explain to them the virtues of a great system, none of them ever catch the bug. All of them are extremely passionate about music and are intrigued by my set-up, none of them ever go out and buy good stuff. This is frustrating. I see them spend money on a bunch of other things, but never good audio. I have been unsuccessful at converting one single person to the audiophile bug.
This is why most people preach to the choir
the rest aren't either tuned in or even listening
We all have our priorities
for some it is travel, others food, live entertainment, rare books, antiques, gardening, sports, all the 1001+ distractions we humans enjoy. Suffice it that they come over and as a good host you introduce them to good music, food(?), conversation and a good time, in their way they do the same.
Viva l'differance, please forgive my spelling
Yep. Same with me Fruff1976. My friends are almost all music nuts, but still they don't care about audio. The common excuse is that great performances are often audio low quality, so why obsess about sound quality rather than performance? Oy. And its not like these people don't have the money. However the one person I have converted is the only one that matters: my wife. She was almost as excited as I was when I got my new amp!
Nope. I have a friend who is a major musicophiliac. He listens to more music than I do, has close to 3000 CDs, hundreds of DVDs, gets all wet over high-def TV, and yet, he's perfectly satisfied with his satellites and "bass module" audio. Go figure! When I made an offer to him to come listen to my new system, he wasn't the least bit interested. To him, it's not about quality, or perhaps, he's not truly aware of what he's not hearing or how much he's missing when he listens to music. So what's the big deal? Some people wouldn't think of driving anything less than a high performance vehicle, others don't care if their car gives up when they put the pedal to the floor. Some people would rather put frozen 'pizza' in their bodies than a fresh home-grown tomato, basil, and mozzarella di buffala.

And I'm perfectly happy projecting SD on a white wall. Go figure!
Yes, my best buddy. His competitive personality however sometimes gets the most of him. We have similar taste in gear....not so much in music though.
Since we also work together.........most of our conversations are audio related. He bought his latest system base on my recommendation (for the first time) and absolutly loves it......and it cost him about half of his previous system.
He loves that even more.


No, not really. My best friend was interested in a half-hearted way when we were younger, and he didn't have kids yet. He still listens to music while he does other things, but he couldn't care less about the equipment any more. As far as other friends and aquaintances go, they think that I am a crazy spendthrift who is obsessed with this "stuff". I also find that many other people who learn of my interest think that the purpose of a high end system is to listen to music at loud volumes. I get this all of the time.