Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.

Showing 6 responses by theaudiotweak

Some of you should leave these pages and move to the halls of Congress. There you can take refuge and be at home  with all the other closed looped idiots who do nothing butt maintain and promote, flat earth ignorance.
After you took the time to learn the technique of direct mechanical coupling of transformers, caps, circuit boards and output devices you would then hear a huuuuge benefit versus the same components when damped or constrained. (Terribly depressing words they are)..  I quit the damp thing twenty years ago. And for isolation it never can be achieved. If there were no matter/existence ..well then you have isolation.

Why would you want to constrain or damp the required tools to reproduce your music when you don't need to?  Tom

If you took your Machina Dynamica and direct coupled all of them they'd be more Dynamica. Tom

Oh Geoff

Direct mechanical coupling ..no bed springs in between no rubber in between.
Matching material speed and material shape is a part of maintaining signal continuity. Maintains Dynamica instead of reducing Dynamica.  Tom
Someone who is a member here and now, stepped away from his use of an active servo isolation platform made in Europe and costing many thousands of $..this was many years ago. I wonder why.

To Roger,

Many years ago Polk Audio used laser interferometry [probably from Johns Hopkins] to measure the cabinet motion of a new time aligned speaker. They found a speaker that sits directly on a hard surface or a carpet over foam floor and played at a reasonable volume level causes the cabinet to travel further than the excursion of the tweeter. This cabinet activity greatly reduces the advantages of time alignment. Would this severe cabinet motion with drivers enclosed or attached also create unwanted and audible Doppler distortion? Tom
To Roger and All,

I find isolation in all its applied methods to be poorly functional if not totally impossible. I choose to apply conductive materials (only 2) and use geometric shapes and other methods to attract resonate energy so it will migrate and travel in a high speed and orderly direction to mechanical ground. These functional methods have been applied to all my chassis components inside and out including speakers and most recently to string instruments, cello and bass. Also there are a few bass clarinets that now use these same method types. All these devices for sound reproduction now  project with greater depth and dynamic scale..The acoustic instruments are much more efficient and have less resistance in either hand or breath. Nothing constrained nor damped. The instruments are more highly reactive to touch and nuance which translates into a more emotive performance for both the musician and then onto their audience. .

Roger with his new product introduction and all others here are trying to maintain or totally recreate the actual live event as if the air from that event was in their chosen room. I do it my way and someone else may choose Geoff's way.

The science Geoff  describes presents a much more restrictive strategy for dissipating and/or transferring airborne energy which forms and propagates throughout any type of chassis. This restrictive method by designs inhibits speed and depends on the conversion of resonate energy to heat. This conversion of energy is not very efficient. The majority of resonant energy will remain in the equipment and create additional negative effects on component operational efficiency. However, Geoff's approach to the science is accepted and known to be functional. In my findings this methodology greatly impedes the rapid exit of all types of resonant energy within any component so I’m guessing this is where the use of multiple materials comes into play where one either slowly filters out the bad or quickly filters in the good.

These filters come in multiple sizes, shapes and contain all kinds of materials based on the designer’s preference. So we now recognize the need for multiple sized parts or layers or spring mass required to match up with component weight distribution requirements in order to serve all the types of equipment available. That formula leaves a tremendous amount of variables to consider hence the primary reason that a lot of tweaks are being made out of a ton of various different materials and sold in this industry. This wide variance in material types and construction limit energy transfer speed from material and shape and will  likely change and alter phase.

The approach myself and now many others use is more specific in function, applying critical geometries with only two materials involved in the design. We have a single platform that ‘plays multiple stages’ meaning they are NOT designed for a specific purpose or strangled by a specific component chassis weight requirement. A single shelf design accepts all equipment weight profiles and functions with everything from amps to speakers to components to power supplies, etc without having to re-filter for each individual product and delivers a livelier dynamic sound result.

In my opinion combinations of low speed high impedance materials such as sawdust and glue (MDF), rubber nor any size of string or spring will process the quantity of resonance now within a chassis quickly into heat. In fact, very little of of these heavier amplitudes of Coulomb friction can easily be converted to heat. Conversion is a slow process whereas resonant energy transfer is designed to function at high speed establishing greater component operational efficiency. This process works similar to how musical instruments function. Energy in, energy out in very fast and timely order.
A lot of racking and tweak products in this industry delivers more of the same results as does those of Geoff's based on historic understanding through application and knowledge. There are many forms of constrained layered sandwiches using many different arrangements of multiple materials for different applications. Each of these very similar applications of method  create a slightly different color and dynamic speed shift when compared to another of the same school..None in this school (refrain) from either slowing or restricting the passing of resonant energy to the higher mass of ground. 

Geoff, your restrictive applications and others of the same vein provide a reanimation of noise, like a continual fire hose feeding pollution back into the signal stream. One way in and only a constricted way out.  I will not be practicing your chosen scientific approach for managing resonant energy at slow speed.
 I will take the high speed approach. Tom