Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.
Roger wrote,

"geoffkait: Maybe your amp would run more perfectly if you isolated it or is it immune?

Actually it is not immune - as tbg pointed out he was able to deal with some vibrations affecting the amp in his system."

Actually, and I hope I'm not being too picky, but Tbg is using mechanical coupling - not isolation, at least in the strict sense of the word, to deal with vibrations. I already mentioned somewhere along the line that coupling doesn’t isolate the amp from seismic or other structureborne vibrations, at least not nearly to the extent that mass-on-spring isolation devices are capable of. You definitely won’t see LIGO using mechanical coupling in their gravity wave detection experiment for isolating the sensitive optics, etc. LIGO relies very heavily on isolation of many types and stages to achieve the extreme sensitivity required to actually observe gravity waves, which I already pointed out have the amplitude of the diameter of a neutron. How sensitive is the experiment? It’s so sensitive that the noise of atoms moving in the sapphire thread used to support and isolate one of the mirrors is an issue. And we know that the tonearm, cartridge and tonearm wiring, just for example, have resonant frequencies Circa 10-12 Hz. So any vibrations of that frequency range coming up through the couplers will excite those resonant frequencies, no?

Geoffkait, you sound like Trump claiming that my post has nothing to do with the topic while you are the one that touts measurement.

Get serious! I know you never do measurements from our conversations over the years.

Fortunately, neither Roger nor I take your comments seriously. I guess you are also a member of the club as you never take anyones' opinions seriously.

So since all of those who have heard the H-Cat amp love it, I will bow out.
Tbg wrote,

"Geoffkait, you sound like Trump claiming that my post has nothing to do with the topic while you are the one that touts measurement."

--- I am not touting measurements. Where did you get that from? What I am doing is illustrating that the whole idea that measurements cannot be made of extremely minute particles or phenomenon can be made and has been made for eons. So the argument that nano scale events or objects can't be measured must be false.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.  

Tbg also wrote,

"Get serious! I know you never do measurements from our conversations over the years."

- Sorry, but you are mistaken. I am quite capable of and actually do perform measurements on some of my products, where appropriate. But as I said whether I do or not, who cares? Aren’t you paying attention?

That’s not all. He also wrote,

"Fortunately, neither Roger nor I take your comments seriously. I guess you are also a member of the club as you never take anyones’ opinions seriously."

Well, whoop di do. The feeling is mutual. I take people’s statements for what they are worth. You seem to have a frog in your pocket if you are looking for my opinion and can’t seem to keep up with the discussion.

He he also wrote,

"So since all of those who have heard the H-Cat amp love it, I will bow out."

OK, whatever. As I said you cannot seem to formulate a real argument on the various topics discussed on this thread. Plus you are sinking to personal attacks. Am I in a scene from 12 Angry Men? Lol

no goats no glory


I will be the first to admit you guys have a better grip on the physical vibration issues. I'm still learning. But I do have a grip on electronic signals and how they behave in amplifier circuits. That has been my life's work. My obsession with accuracy has taken me down to the "tiny" world of analog errors. I wanted to see the first [velocity error] happen before it manifests itself as full blown distortion. That's the place to clobber it before it gets out of hand. I can force the phase of fundamental to stay within fractions of a degree of dead true.

The equivalent physical vibration would be extremely high to cause the fundamental to move a full octave or more away from true producing harmonic distortion. That is a serious shift in velocity.


Someone who is a member here and now, stepped away from his use of an active servo isolation platform made in Europe and costing many thousands of $..this was many years ago. I wonder why.

To Roger,

Many years ago Polk Audio used laser interferometry [probably from Johns Hopkins] to measure the cabinet motion of a new time aligned speaker. They found a speaker that sits directly on a hard surface or a carpet over foam floor and played at a reasonable volume level causes the cabinet to travel further than the excursion of the tweeter. This cabinet activity greatly reduces the advantages of time alignment. Would this severe cabinet motion with drivers enclosed or attached also create unwanted and audible Doppler distortion? Tom