Has anyone heard the Usher Audio Speakers

I have read great things about these speakers on several different sites. They seem to have caught the attention of the press at CES this year? Has anyone heard them and if so with what equipment?
I don't really have much respect for the Usher speakers. The are obviously copying Sonus Fabers designs among others. The sound is ok, but I really don't like it, when I ex. see a copy of a Electa Amator 1 - it's like the Usher speakers hasen't a soul...

I compare them with a fair copy of a Rolex watch...

There are only two dealers that I know of who have the Usher speakers. Which dealer was it that you heard them at and what model was it that you litened to? Also, what equipment did you listen to them with?
Fernel, interesting comments. Just goes to show how different people can have different opinions. I wouldnt trade my Ushers for a Sonus Faber Amati Homage and 5k! The Usher's are more beautiful (to my eye) and they sound MUCH better. To each his own I guess.
I heard the 8871's at Goldman Audio in a system that consisted of a Rowland Model 10, Rowland Synergy 2, and Bel Canto 2 DAC. I was simply bowled over. I am strongly considering ordering the 8571 because they are smaller and would fit in my room better. Like many have said already, they are very high on the wife acceptance factor scale.