Has anyone noticed a slow down in sales?

Usually when I list something on Audiogon I sell it within a week but lately a lot of zero activity even after checking blue book. Notice any slow down?


It's not just the audio business, I work in the firearms industry and it has slowed down considerably. It's this economy that has gone in the crapper. People are hesitant to make major purchases, knowing next week eggs may be $10 a dozen. 

I just bought a pair of 3 meter XLR cables, but I must admit, not from an AGon listing.

It's not just the audio business, I work in the firearms industry and it has slowed down considerably.

Not including the military or law enforcement, there are 1.21 guns for every man, woman and child in the USA. If it were any other product, one might assume a saturated market.


It's this economy that has gone in the crapper. People are hesitant to make major purchases, knowing next week eggs may be $10 a dozen. 

Did anyone NOT see inflation and supply chain woes triggering a supply/demand imbalance in 2020? It takes a while to work through the system, however, these things seem to correct in due course. I’m still waiting for some gear I ordered in the fall of 2021. Smart manufacturers and sellers price strategically…and there are many zombie listings on the ‘gon. In fact, there is an Audio Research ref5se preamp I made an offer on in 2019. I dont believe the seller still has the pre but it keeps auto-renewing.


Competition settles these moments…if we price something and it doesnt sell, we can always lower the price or choose not to sell it. 


It’s the only tangible product I know wg

here guys keep their price the same no matter how long it sits there. Blue book? Throw it out. The prices were highly oinflated for a couple years. Price your item for what it is worth today Nd it will probably sell today.

The problem with blue book, at least when I had it years ago, is it seemed to average the prices over all time. Unfortunately, the vast majority of components drop steadily in market value as their release date ages. And given the nature of our market, there often isn't nearly enough sales data for a single model in a relevant "last 3 months" window. So blue book prices were usually well above actual "market" prices. Maybe I'm misremembering that, or it's changed. Anyways, there is little use for it today when you can check hifishark for recent SOLD listings. That should be your starting point.