has anyone tried PS Audio perfect wave duo

any experience/thoughts on new PS audio perfect wave transport and dac
Thanks Rogerwalk: I'll put Transparent on the list, along with Ridge Street, Cryoparts, Locus Design, and Wireworld. Is it my imagination, or do people think upgrades in USB cables tend to make more audible difference than other cabling changes? Certainly lots of strong language on the relevant threads.

Not crazy about the idea of a touchscreen on audio equipment (reminds me of a microwave, or something), but the PW is a handsome piece. I'll try to talk to PSA about the image issue.

one week in and what i don't like about the PWT/PWD. gotta say i'm really enjoying this set-up but a couple of things do rub me wrong.

have always not liked touch screens and i still don't. wouldn't mind it as much if i had a vertical rack and the PWT/PWD were close to eye level. positioned close to knee/thigh level makes the touch screen a p.i.t.a. imo. gimme some good ol fashioned buttons please!

my touch screen did not flicker at first but now, i do notice something akin to a slow fade-out then fade back in. i guess it can be called a flicker but it's in slow motion.

my unit does not like DVD-RW's. it does read them but i get a vary faint transport motor hum. can only be heard during silent portions but it is there. usually goes away after a few songs but i'd rather it not be there at all. was told it has to with the required speed of the transport when reading RW disc's??. it is flawless on regular DVD-R's though.

small grip here but it does take a while to cue up a hi-res dvd. i timed 12-15 seconds which isn't terribly long but something you need to get use to.

a couple of new plus's have also surfaced in the past week.

one thing that is really appealing to me now is the memory reading ability. it's really nice to eject a disc and put in a new one while the music keeps playing. when your cued up to start the new disc is when you can stop the previous one. seamless music playback is kinda nice. it also helps with my wait time mini-grip from above. you can keep listening to a disc while it reads the new one.

the native playback and auto filter mode seem to work best a vast majority of the time (90%) but certain disc's really step out when manually adjusted. these disc's were crap recordings to begin with so it's nice to hear them sound good for once.

just a few observations/opinions i though i'd pass along.



We you say "grip", do you mean "gripe(complaint)or a suitcase(used by "oldtime" Jamaican's when speaking "Patois")?
oooops. i really should preview/proofread my posts first

yep....grip was supposed to = gripe = complaint =)

thx for teaching me a new word too Tab....."patois" (had to look it up)lol!
Touch Screens flickering: The screen on the units has a light sensor that tries to adjust the brightness of the screen to best match that of the room. I only notice it when I get in front of it to change something and I'm shading it from the light of the window. It doesn't flicker or change any other time for me that I've noticed.

I agree with Lev though - I have the unit on a low rack and like any LCD, it's hard to read at extreme angles - it forces me to bend down to read the settings. I'll be happy for a friendlier remote (iPhone app anyone!) so I don't have to mess with the clumsy current remote or do it by hand.