Fplanner, If your like me, it sounds like you've reached that point were you're listening to the music and not the system anymore.
Forget my plasma biased pontificating of minute details, you have an outstanding display that YOU enjoy watching, period. Your LCD don't get hot, uses less juice and it's HUGE. Yeah buddy.
After years of trying to locate a non octal MFA Luminescence pre I was about to get a VAC pre when my Reflection Audio popped up on the Gon.
One question, did you upgrade from Velodyne DD to +? If so, I'd like to hear your comments.
Forget my plasma biased pontificating of minute details, you have an outstanding display that YOU enjoy watching, period. Your LCD don't get hot, uses less juice and it's HUGE. Yeah buddy.
After years of trying to locate a non octal MFA Luminescence pre I was about to get a VAC pre when my Reflection Audio popped up on the Gon.
One question, did you upgrade from Velodyne DD to +? If so, I'd like to hear your comments.