Has LED caught up to Plasma?

I know that the plasma tv's in the past were always considered to be better than the LED or LCD formats. I'm wondering if this is still the case. With improvements in technology, has the gap narrowed? I bought a 42" Panasonic Plasma over 8 years ago (and yes, it's still working...wished it would have died by now! lol) and am looking to upgrade to a new 55" tv. In all honestly, when I chose plasma back then, I thought the picture quality of both the plasmas and the LED/LCD models were both very good. Even though my plasmas has lasted all these past 8 years, my big concern is that they do heat up quite a bit....where LED's run much cooler. I'm thinking this might translate into a longer life with and LED tv instead of a plasma. What would you buy today if you were buying??? Plasma or LED?
Vicdamone - I find the + to be a bit quicker and fuller, terms which of course I have no desire to even Begin to measure :-). The best thing I like about it is being able to make adjustments, especially volume, on the fly using the remote and the display on the sub itself. That's a great feature, because some songs sound best with just a bit of extra bass, some with more.

Bill- If you get a chance to check out these Elite Pro Tv's, I think it will be well worth your time. They blow away anything I've seen both last year and this. They can also be adjusted to be almost "plasma-like" if there is such a term. I got mine from Robert, the Owner of Value Electronics in Scarsdale, NY. He's quite active on high-def forums and a genuine nice guy - definitely at least worth a call, if you're curious.
I, on the other hand, am going to wait it out for a dozen or so technology evolutions before buying, and have decided to wait for fully immersive, 3D holographic, visual surround display technology, that places me in the middle of a virtual world of action and drama! ...ya know, kind of like the matrix?
Hey, why why buy now and settle for small increments of uprades? They perfected the flat screen with the Pioneer Kuro, for Heaven's sakes!
Take the Blue Pill...I always say.
I have a 55" Hitatchi Plasma that is 6-7 years old and it still looks fantastic... better than anything I've seen on the market today. The problem with a lot of the LCD/LED models that are out now is they have cranked the lighting Contrast up so high that you lose a lot of the gray scale. All the beautiful midtones (hence a lot of image detail) have been destroyed by lights that are too bright and shadows that are too black.