You beat me to the punch Albert! I think AudioAsylum has even got a "Wine" section on there now don't they? That "What Car do Audiophiles drive" thread has more responses than the majority of audio-related threads. BTW, I love my F5 as well, and would heartily recommend that camera, or the F100 if you'd be happy with 35mm. F5 has a slightly better metering system. Damn fast and dead-reliable. I've really been enjoying the D2H too. The D2H is utterly amazing to me. 4mb files that upsample better than the D1X files I have! When is a pixel not just a pixel? Canon's newest blow on the front promises to be a stunner too if they pull it off (the new 1D Mark II). That technology moves so fast at this point I just can't keep up. Files I've shot with Canon's 1DS exceed all expectations for 35mm and rival image quality of medium format from a 35mm digital body! Never thought I'd see the day come this soon!
As far as audiophiles and the relation to photography...or rather why are so many audiophiles interested in photography as well...I wonder? As has been suggested, each is about reproducing life in one way or other, for one of our senses to enjoy. One is a visual expression, while the other is aural. Both are about capturing time or life on some physical/tangible medium to share as a form of expression (at best). Both are pretty expensive hobbies and thus can be extended, though certainly not limited to, boys and their toys syndrome. I'd be more inclined to think it was something in the capturing of something beautiful on a tangible medium to enjoy whenever you like. Both have the potential of being quite eloquent and powerful in that way. Photography can express a powerful emotion in just the framing and capture of a moment in time, or a composition that is singular and solitary, much like a painting....all in one two-dimensional space. Music captures and fills moments in time with emotion that moves you through a different portal (or another sensory organ), and is no less powerful and certainly quite eloquant and often magical it would seem. Yet it takes up no space at all (well, I guess there is the source of the music)...and the sound waves....heck, I'm rambling here again. But I think the relation that someone suggested earlier is an interesting one. Certainly more direct than music and cars or single-blend scotches!
Just my opinion though.