Have a reflective Memorial Day.

You are the best and the greatest. Because you made the ultimate sacrifice for your country. For all those soldiers of Wars and Conflict, for all the grieving families, I salute you forever. Thank you. May God bless you all.

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One of my two sisters served in the Navy, and won’t let me forget it. Just kidding. 😉

She didn’t join until 1976, so had no concern about being sent to Vietnam. Her boyfriend had joined back in 1968, and was of course sent there. He wasn’t there long, only three weeks. He came home in a body bag, with a bullet hole in his forehead.

Most everyone I knew in ’68 went off to college, so had a deferment. My Dad was a WWII Vet (Army Air Corps, a navigator on a bomber), as well as a staunch Conservative and Republican. But he had no intention of sacrificing his only son for an already-obviously lost war.

The treatment returning Vietnam War veterans received from those opposed to the war was disgraceful, as was Jane Fonda’s behaviour. I’m kinda surprised she wasn’t charged with providing aid and comfort to the enemy. But then Nixon’s behaviour was also deplorable. She should have known better, he did.


Sincere thanks to all who have served and suffered for us, and those who have lost their lives in the process.

Many thanks to all who have provided the service, dedication, commitment of their complete lives, along with all those that supported them, to have helped to make and help keep this country what it is today.