Have any of you ever replaced Magnepan 1.7 or 1.6 tweeters?

It's looking like I might have a problem with my Maggies. A buzzing/crackling in the range of 4k to 8k happens when the music gets more intense, most easily to male voices, when multiple voices join in on a chorus.  The problem just started about nine months ago, but now it's getting worse.  I have checked/replaced everything in my system and wiring and have come to the conclusion it must be the Maggies.
I have never looked at the socks or the staples, much less tried to remove them and work on the speakers.  I am pretty handy and own a wide assortment of mechanical and woodworking tools.  
If you have replaced your tweeters yourself please share some insight.  As I understand it, removing the socks and putting them back on is the most difficult part.  Is that so?  Sounds tedious, but not necessarily difficult. 
How are the tweeters attached?  I would be buying replacement tweeters, not trying to repair my current tweeters.  Are they glued on?  Any trick to getting them off & on?  How do you insure they are down tight and will stay tight?  Any special prep work?  Do you just solder the connections together using regular solder?  I read somewhere there is a special solder you should use.

Lots of question.

Thanks Addyson815, Kjweisner, and everybody else.

I was thinking that the tweeters were separate, like the 3.6 and 3.7 tweeters, and that if the tweeters were not repairable I could get them off and replace them. Not so.
I got a return phone call from Magnepan yesterday and was informed the replacement kit consists of new wire and the glue. You have to lay the wire out and glue it all down - no pre-made section to work with.
Because my buzzing problem is still relatively mild, I'll try to go in, find the problem areas and re-glue them. I have a pretty fair background in machining and woodworking so I think I have as good a chance for success as just about anybody.
The Peter Gunn video is really helpful.
My biggest concern, right now, is getting the water-based glue delivered during the winter season. I'm going to try to have some shipped to a UPS pickup location. That way it won't sit outside my front door for hours, in sub-freezing temperatures, waiting for me to get home.
I'm sure I'll have a few more questions as I get into the project, but right now I guess it's time for me to roll up my sleeves (I guess I mean, roll up my socks) and get started.
I'll keep you all posted.

Hey Tim,

If you have the opportunity to photo document your project, I'm sure it will be helpful for others down the line!  Just throwing that out there for consideration.  And since you're pulling the trim and socks, you might even consider if you want to change your look.  I think the socks cost about $80 pair and I assume you could paint or refinish the wooden trim.  For example, my trim was "Cherry" but I think it was really just cherry-stained poplar and could have been sanded and restrained to any color. 

Best of luck and I look forward to hearing how your project goes.  

Have you checked the condition of the speaker's protection fuse? Maybe it's damaged but not totally blown.