Have anyone pics and tech-data for a SU-1 step-up?

Hi !
I look at the web and can`t find pics and tech-data for a Expressive Technologies SU-1 step-up ! Google can`t help me ! Please help a guy from germany !!! I`m very intresting at this step-up ! Is it The Best ? My Analogsystem :
Player : H+P Ulysses
4tonearms : Ortofon RMA309,SME3012MK1,FR66s,Ikeda IT407
5cart: Ortofon SPU Royal GM , A/E , Gold GM , DL 103 ,
ZYX R 100 Fuji
Pre-pre: Ortofon T-100 , Denon AU-1000 , Denon AU-340 ,
Cotter MK II , Gryphon Head-amp
Pre-amp: Jadis JP 80
Thanks and PEACE FOR THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I use a Tektronix oscilloscope and sound pressure meter with a calibrated test record to do my study. So I have gather two types of data, actual meter data and audible feedback with my own two ears.

It was just amazing the sonic extension that the SU-1 had moving from LP to LP changing the transformers and reading the pick values at the same time intervals. Waveform extension could be seen as voltage peaks on the scope. I actually have picture comparisons of all three transformers on the scope that I can send you.

My system consists of the following analog playback equipment. A SME 20/2 turntable with a Graham 2.2 arm with Hovland cables. I just brought the SU-1 from a dealer friend for only 2K and I’m using Siltech HTM-4 gold cables as an interconnect to my Aesthetix I/O signature phonostage. My cartridge is the Van Den Hul Colibri with a gold coil and a wooden body. I have finally reached Audio Nirvana with this setup.
Daer friend: I own severals cartridges and tonearms. I'm a music-analog/lover and I can tell you ( with confidence on my 40 plus years on music and with confidence on my ears ) that " THE BEST STEP UP TRANSFORMER IS NO STEP UP TRANSFORMER " in the signal chain. When you put more stages ( transformer, cables, conectors, etc ) in the delicate and very low power signal that comes from your phono cartridge you ALWAYS degraded this signal. The best solution: a good preamp with built in phono stage ( with out a step up transformer inside ). When you hear this then you can hear your records for the first time. I really mean it.
Best regards.
Hi Raul,

I wonder what phono stage you might be using? I must respectfully disagree with your assertion that a step up device inevitably degrades the sound! The combination of a tube phono stage with a nice step up driven by a lower output cartridge has sounded best to me in my limited experience.
Dear Kleech:Why I already told that a step up transformer degrades the quality of the sound/signal reproduction ? .
Well: for you can use a step up transformer you have to have a preamp with a built in phono stage ( RIAA equalization ), like yours.Now, your preamp is a low gain unit in the phono stage and you need an out board step up transformer for you can listen to a low output moving coil cartridge.Imagine, for a moment, that your preamp has a high gain phono stage: then you don't need the step up transformer and the sound reproduction of the signal it will be more directly and the quality of that sound reproduction is far better than in the step up transformer way.
If you use a step up transformer you are putting an additional stages in the signal chain ( the signal goes over many meters of wire inside the transformer, has to go over additional conectors/cables, the transformer adds it owns distortions, it will be phase shift and more contamination in the signal, etc. ) so ALWAYS degrades the signal.
Now, maybe you like this colored sound, but this don't means that the quality of the sound is better with the step up transformer than with out it.
So the issue here is what are you looking for: this colored sound or the best quality sound/chain reproduction for the music. If you are a music lover then you have to choose the second option.
My advice for everyone is that always have an " open mind " about the audio/home system.
You have to try a preamp with a high gain phonostage, and in this way you can find, hear and understand all these issue. Maybe you like it or maybe not, but this is the only way to conserve in purest form the very delicate signal that comes from the phono cartridge and remember that your reference always has to be: Live Music, not other audio system.
The reproduction of the music at home is very complex task and has many issues. Every day I'm learning about it. My target is , time to time, been closer to the live music, or at least don't stay so far from it.
I'm a music lover, once time I was an audiophile: not anymore.
Best regards.
Dear Raul,

I agree that an "open mind" is a necessary prerequisite for enjoying this hobby. All reproduced sound is colored in one way or another...our individual experiences and preferences should dictate what palette we choose for painting our ideal sonic picture at home!