Have I got the wrong amp? or the wrong speakers?

Hi all, I'm new to the forum and a relative beginner at hifi, so please excuse the (potentially) dumb question.
In homage to my late father, and the basic, budget setup he had when I was a kid, I've recently acquired a vintage AKAI AA-1150 receiver (circa 1979 I think) and paired it with brand new Wharfedale EVO 4.2 large bookcase speakers.

Two problems - 
First, I think the speakers are waaay too sensitive for the amp - turn the volume up to 3 and the room is shaking. Taking the dial to 11 would definitely kill the Wharfedales.  My old speakers (Paradigm Atom) suffer too, but a little less.  Its definitely the amplifier!
Second, the sound is impossibly forward and bright.  Incredibly clear, with amazing detail (from both vinyl & DAC) but really hard on the ears.

Do I need to ditch the nostalgia and get a warmer, 21st Century integrated amplifier?  Or is there some setting I've missed somewhere?

All suggestions welcomed!
Post removed 
It's a receiver. Ditch it. Why? Because it's a receiver. Just get an integrated. Any integrated will be better. Why? Because everything is better than a receiver.
Thanks all.
Weight of expert opinion says I've got the wrong amp (ok, receiver) and maybe even a faulty one.

At my price-point, Im looking at either a Rega Brio MkII or NAD C368 ...

But thats a question for a different thread
jb52 and MC, just party poopers.. :-)

 Of course he needs a better front end but bang for the buck, do a little tinkering first, THEN shell out for a good integrated or separates. 

I'll bet there is a lot of improvement with room and heaver cable, get rid of the FACTORY jumpers too.. those things really can make a BIG difference in SQ.. No L-Pads right?

BUT if you got 3-6k to shell out? And NO problem with a little wait?

Luxman, Ravin, Cary, Mac.. All different all BETTER than what you got..

I just heard a new C2700 Mac..

I swear I'm just predisposed to LIKE UM' Man that sounded so sweat... all Mac SS Gear...With that 2700, just magic. A Mac TT, crazy Mac guy..
