Have I got the wrong amp? or the wrong speakers?

Hi all, I'm new to the forum and a relative beginner at hifi, so please excuse the (potentially) dumb question.
In homage to my late father, and the basic, budget setup he had when I was a kid, I've recently acquired a vintage AKAI AA-1150 receiver (circa 1979 I think) and paired it with brand new Wharfedale EVO 4.2 large bookcase speakers.

Two problems - 
First, I think the speakers are waaay too sensitive for the amp - turn the volume up to 3 and the room is shaking. Taking the dial to 11 would definitely kill the Wharfedales.  My old speakers (Paradigm Atom) suffer too, but a little less.  Its definitely the amplifier!
Second, the sound is impossibly forward and bright.  Incredibly clear, with amazing detail (from both vinyl & DAC) but really hard on the ears.

Do I need to ditch the nostalgia and get a warmer, 21st Century integrated amplifier?  Or is there some setting I've missed somewhere?

All suggestions welcomed!
Thanks all.
Weight of expert opinion says I've got the wrong amp (ok, receiver) and maybe even a faulty one.

At my price-point, Im looking at either a Rega Brio MkII or NAD C368 ...

But thats a question for a different thread
jb52 and MC, just party poopers.. :-)

 Of course he needs a better front end but bang for the buck, do a little tinkering first, THEN shell out for a good integrated or separates. 

I'll bet there is a lot of improvement with room and heaver cable, get rid of the FACTORY jumpers too.. those things really can make a BIG difference in SQ.. No L-Pads right?

BUT if you got 3-6k to shell out? And NO problem with a little wait?

Luxman, Ravin, Cary, Mac.. All different all BETTER than what you got..

I just heard a new C2700 Mac..

I swear I'm just predisposed to LIKE UM' Man that sounded so sweat... all Mac SS Gear...With that 2700, just magic. A Mac TT, crazy Mac guy..

Akai was never known for its receivers. They were not highly regarded like their tape decks. That said, the volume control itself may be way too touchy for the receiver. I've seen this before, but not to the degree you have. One way to possibly tame it is to run another set of speakers with the 2 you have now. Wire them in series so you get a 16 ohm output. I'm not entirely sure this will work but might be worth a try.
Maybe get a warmer sounding dac like a black ice audio wifi dac
they use 2 -12ax7 tubes from underwood wally  you can get one for under $700, or Denafrips dac which is also warm and detailed for similar monies
,your cables too can Taylor your sound.