On VSM Amplification....
Since the thread has moved onto partnered amplification, I 'll share a recent experience. Disclosure: this tale winds a bit.
I regularly use 3 speakers: recently upgraded VSMs, Verity Parsifal Encores, and Sonus Faber Cremonas. Until recently, the SFs were powered by an ARC LS25 and VT 130SE in my living room. The P/E and VSMs share time upstairs in my music room (still a work in progress) mostly driven by a pair of Cary 805.
A recent decorating project moved the ARC electronics upstairs as part of a spouse mandated "clean-up" project. In my experience, he SFs are remarkeably forgiving of electronics and I left them hooked up to my Sonos zone player - a piss poor 50W integrated/networked digital source that is small enough to meet the new decor standards. Sure enough, it sounded surprisingly good, until the volume went up. Then, the forgiveness stopped.
Maybe there's a stylish cheapish, amp out there -with sufficient current and WAF to fix the problem. I decided to try some small, lacquer finished 125W SS mono amps called the TAD Hibachis - in home trial, $1300, not much to lose. And it worked like a charm - much better than I was looking for - but, as it turns out, maybe not quite small enough to meet the decor requirement.
Rather than return them straight away, I brought them upstairs where the Merlin (as usual) was hooked up. The Hibachis looked good next to the black lacquer VSMs, so I figured I'd give it a shot. (I understand the heresy of SS amplification with the VSMs, but this was mainly just for curiosity.) In short, the result was very educational.
IMHO, The Cary has the best bottom end of any SET amp that I've heard. But the little TADs completely (and I mean completely) transformed the bass response of the VSMs. Anyone who worries about insufficient bass from the Merlins shouls at least try a high output SS amp to establish a benchmark for the speakers' bass capabilities. I'm not recommending this combo - you definitely lose some mid-range "magic" - but you'll learn something important about the capabilities of the VSM.
Next, I'll try the TAD w/the Veity P/E and see what happens. In the meantime, it seems with one small "risk free" purchase, I've managed to screw up 3 systems. The SF still has no power amp. I need to find a better mate for my VSMs, and the Verity P/Es have 2 avbailable amps for part-time duty.
Key lesson here - the VSM keeps surprising me with its ability to reveal the character of everything in front of it. Almost a year after the upgrade, I'm still enjoying this speaker immensely.