Have you recently lost a close audiophile buddy? What has it taught you?

Man lost my closest audiophile buddy last year. It’s been tough. Audiophiles are different. We are a whole other breed. Taught me to enjoy the music and be thankful for what we do have!
Man y’all just enjoy the music sometimes we equipment chase too much. We have to enjoy the music and brotherhood. 
@oregonpapa - What, you don't believe in Audiophile Zombies?  I have seen them at some of the audio shows.  They're out there.
bondmanp ...

I’ve seen them at audio shows too, but they’re not zombies, they’re audio nerds. You can identify them by the aluminium propellers on the top of their beanies. :-)

Beautifully said. We lose friends, but we were incredibly blessed to have had them. And then there is the possibility of new friendhsips and reconnecting with others. My uncle and I have really bonded over a mutual love for audio, and one of my closest long-time friends and I have renewed our friendship now that our kids are a bit older. Audio is a key ingredient in both cases.

The older we get, the more friends and family we lose. Keep them close while you have them. Death is permanent.

Ain't that the truth.

Sorry for your loss @calvinj. 

I lost the only audiophile buddy I had a few years back and he was 8 years my junior (I'll turn 70 this year).   

I lost a brother a year ago this week.  I'm the youngest of 9.
I have one older sibling still alive. The rest  of my immediate family has passed on.   

Losing a friend or family member is tough.  Reflect on the good times you had together.  He will always be with you in your heart.