Have you tried the Furutech AND the Acme fuses?

If so, which did you prefer and why?


My bad. 
While I don't disagree with what I wrote above, I DID change the orientation of the fuses in the NAD, and the "thinness" in the tone changed. It is still not as rich as I've heard the NAD (not euphonic, just, again, how it sounds in Carnegie Hall and The Met), it is distinctly less electronic-sounding. The bass? I'm going  to give it time to break in since I changed the orientation just today. 
I'm glad I saw this thread (6 years too late to the party!), so I could see others' experience, but I'm also glad I heard the orientation change, which I think will not be that hard to hear. It certainly has made the NAD C325 BEE sound less "dark" than it is as a stock unit. I'm not sure it has made the NAD sound more like live music or that it is, overall, more musical-sounding than with stock fuses, but hey, I certainly can wait a week and comment again...

I haven't tried those two, but switched to the audio horizons fuses and they made a considerable difference over stock fuses.  I would recommend also adding audio horizons to your list.  I think they have some kind of money back guarantee.
Thanks, I do have Audio Horizons fuses, too. However, there has been an interesting development in the past two days, which I posted in another thread.
My system - for a long while -  seemed undynamic,and the dimensionality of images was close to non-existent. Ella's singing sounded like she was falling asleep, so boring was it all.
And then, yesterday, I was talking to a friend about fuses, when an aha! moment struck, and I thought, 'If I changed the fuses in all the other components, then, I must also have changed it in the Arcam (FMJ23)!' And with that, I opened the Arcam. Sure enough, there was a Synergistic SR 20 in there. I looked at it for a moment, and then…I changed the orientation.
The sound was so immediately better I (almost) wondered why I hadn't heard it before, but I knew why: there'd been some serious illnesses in the family and I hadn't been listening intently.
Transients are now far better on attack/decay, as is dimensionality, while dynamics go from p-ff so quickly that I have to turn the volume down on big crescendos. This is not a case of a hyped-up upper midrange, either. The tonal quality is back as well. The music is again enjoyable.  That makes two components that really show how much incorrect orientation can affect the sound.