Have you used a frequency/tone CD w/SPL meter ...

to measure your 2 channel audio system at your listening position? What findings did and didn't surprise you? Given their small cost relative to most system costs, should these be in wider use despite their limitations?
I use a Radio shack analog spl meter with the Rives test response disc. The good thing about that disc is that there are a set of tracks that compensate for any false readings that the Radio shack device may give.

Kenyonbm...Your results are not unusual. And what a lot of work!!! (Get yourself a Behringer DEQ2496). By the way, did you try repeating the meter measurement several times at the same spot? I bet that some of the veriation is simply the measurement. Low frequency should not vary much over a short distance. High frequency will vary.

Would you please tell us some more about using the spectrum analyser? What other equipment is required, microphones, sources etc.

Any suggested reading?

Thanks, Ken
Nice to read everyone's responses so far.

Tbooe, the Rat Shack meter, IMO, is fine for this task. I have an analog one, as well as a calibrated digital unit from Monarch Instruments (Model 321 @ $259). Both read quite similarly head to head.

Obviously, I'm a proponent of this sort of objective assessment of one's system. Loudspeaker/listener position changes to mitigate room modes on the bass end, as well as effects of room treatments and subwoofer integration all benefit, in my experience. It is revelatory simply to measure, albeit somewhat imprecisely, the in-room performance of one's painstakingly-assembled components. My, what our ears/brains must accept simply in the frequncy domain as "faithful" reproduction!

Panacea - hell no, but anyone integrating a subwoofer/pair will likely be very surprised at the imprecision of plate amp crossover/phase/parametric EQ adjustments, for one. I recently spent a number of hours dialing in stereo "sub"woofers (10 inch Focal woofers with Adire ADA300 Class D plate amps - DIY))to even out terribly uneven 30-160 Hz in-room response with fairly inflexible loudspeaker/listener positioning constraints. The Adire plate amps are among the elite of their ilk, with dual crossovers, continuous phase adjust and 2 band parametric EQs (16-80Hz freq range and continuous Q adjust). Nonetheless, the physics of my listening room proved more complex and unforgiving even for this array of "tools". I did achieve +/- 6.5 Hz from 30-12,000Hz compared with +/- 12Hz before adding/dialing in the powered woofers. Subjectively, vastly more enjoyable.
Kenyonbm...There have been many (too many?) postings about the Behringer DEQ2496. You can also download the complete users manual from the Behringer website, as well as the sales brochure.