HD-DVD Officially Dead


Showing 1 response by ears

Knownothing, Oppo has already announced a BD player.

Blu-ray is the superior tech despite what a couple of naysayers have tried to preach in this thread.

Warner has publically stated that BD was cheaper and easier to encode than hd dvd was because of bandwidth.
Now lets just hope they use the extra space and bandwith on future releases instead of the good enough hd dvd ports we had been getting on Blu.

Bandwidth and space are very important for HD optical.

With all the CE's backing Blu from the beggining, I can't believe anyone is suprised that hd dvd lost.
The truth is that this would have been over long ago had M/S not suckered Toshiba into pressing on last year.

I owned several players from both formats as well as a PS3, and BD's best looking movies do look better than hd dvd's on my 110" screen.
Is it far better?...no
Is it enough to matter to a true enthusiast with a dedicated theater?
That would probably depend on the size and quality of display ect.

BD had always had the better audio with uncompressed PCM on every single Disney, Sony title, and DTS-=Master Audio on every Fox title.
Warner sold 63 million dollars more on Blu than hd dvd in 07 with 25 titles including The Matrix, Batman Begins and V for Vendetta not out on Blu.

The consumers/ enthusiast have chosen BD so let's just hope that Universal and Paramount actually use the 50gb discs with higher bitrates and Lossless/Uncompressed audio.

With reportedly 7 out of 10 HDTV owners waiting for a clear winner in the previous pillow fight, we should see quite a bit more adoption between now and the end of 08.

Nobody with any common sense is going to pay 300.00 for a box so they can pay to rent crappy looking downloads that are barely better looking than dvd, and take 7 hours to download, when they can rent the better looking and sounding BD from Netflix, Blockbuster, Hollywood Video and Movie Gallery ect.

Actual 1080p downloads that will most likely never have lossless audio, are mnany years away for the majority.
I would say at least 5 years.