Headphone amps

I like to listen to music at night - my wife likes to sleep - I can't understand why she does this with so much good music to hear. Headphones have been a blessing for maintaining peace given our somewhat different nocturnal patterns. I'm soon getting a new integrated amp without a headphone jack, so I will require a little amp for the headphones. Please provide recommendations for headphone amps that you have used and loved. I like to listen to jazz and classical at night. I'm using a FMJ 23 as a source and I tend to like tube sound. I have Sennheiser HD 600 headphones.
A few suggestions:
1) Perreaux
2) Antique Sound lab DT/OTL headphone
3) Musical Fidelity X-Can v3
4) Headroom amp at your budget level

BTW, do you need a tape loop in the headphone amp or are you planning using the integrated for a pre-out?

For even more info:
Check out Head-fi.org. The greatest source on all things headphone.

The second place to go is headphone.com. Headroom's own web site.
Here's what I've been using with my Sennheiser HD-600/Cardas cable, for the same reason too(wife and kiddies sleeping). It can also double as a preamp in a pinch.

WooAudio 3

Nice little OTL tube headphone amp/preamp. BTW, I have swapped in Mullard tubes, and it's realy sweet sounding now.

John- I'm thinking about buying the Woo as well...did you compare it to others?

How's their customer service?
