Headphone cable, what do you do?

I hope it is not just me but none of the headphones I have owned over last few years have long enough cable to reach from my headphone amp to my normal listening, lounging seat.

At present I have been using a fairly cheap 20ft extension cable I purchased off eBay but upon reflection could this be degrading the sq?

Surely I am not the only one in this situation so my question is what do you do? Your solution?
Which is exactly the thoughts going round in my head which prompted this thread.

Can't help but wonder if the sq is degraded in some subtle way.
I honestly cannot say I hear a difference when plugging in direct and sitting close to using my cheap extension cable and lounging in my sofa.

Maybe it is all in the mind and I need stop over thinking it!
Btw..I you also have a Core Power Technologies unit. I love mine. Glad you got one and hope you didn't wait too long, or got d**ked over by Mark.
I bought mine through Underwood Wally so did not pay until it was actually shipped. Mark was out of the picture.
Made a BIG difference especially in background hash noise and my tt analog signal.