Headphones for use with Squeezebox Radio

Looking for input on headphones that work well with Squeezebox Radio.

I'm looking for very good overall performers for all kinds of music with the Squeezebox Radio.

This is used in a bedroom, often at night prior to going to sleep, so comfort is desired also.

THanks for the info.

I have been getting by with the Nova 45s pretty well, so I am taking my time.

Still not sure which way I will go other than avoiding big bulky over the ear types.
Having reviewed the options, and given my limited usage needs for these,I may test the waters with a pair of Klipsch Image S4 in ear phones.

These get almost universally good reviews for both sound and comfort. They are also only 18 ohm which should work well with the Squeezebox radio.

My expectation is that these should be at least as good or better (but a lot different sounding) than the Nova 45s in regards to sound quality, plus will hopefully be unobtrusive and comfortable enough to wear in bed and fall asleep to.

As a bonus, they should be a step up on my daughter's ipod as well when I use that on occasion at the pool or when running of biking, etc.
Th Klipsch are ordered and on their way.

I'm very interested to see how these stack up with what I have (30 year old Realistic Nova 45 on-ear open back phones with Titanium drivers that these are targeted to replace and also 20 year old rock solid sounding Stax sr80 electret "earspeakers" that I run off my 2 channel a/v system in the family room via Roku Soundbridge from the same music server that the Squeezebox Radio connects to in the bedroom).

HEy, the Klipsch came a day early.

Good deal on Amazon. I ordered a CD along with it and the cost still came to less than what I would pay at the local BEst Buy (that name is a misnomer these days I find in that there are some Best Buys but plenty of really bad ones as well).

Got to try them out last night.

The fit and comfort level for use at night prior to going to sleep is very good, much as advertised.

The sound quality is very solid. Nothing radically earth shattering, but not too much to take issue with either.

Bass levels are much better with these in ear phones than the on ear open back Nova 45s, which is probably their weakest area, though many may not mind.

Good deal so far. Fits my needs well. We'll see if I get teh bug to upgrade down the road.

Glad you found a solution. I have actually heard the Klipsch S4 too. In there price range they hold their own. They have one of the better fits on the market too. The comparable priced Ultimate Ears are pretty tipped up in the bass for the consumer market and do not sound as good. As you get into higher priced IEM the Ultimate Ear bring greater clarity, transient attack, treble extension, and are more tonally balance while maintaining good bass.