Heard of Soltanus Acoustics ESL Virtuoso ?

If you have not heard of Soltanus Acoustic's ESL Virtuoso electrostatic speaker you should read this :
It is a full range ( down to 40hz) multi panel , cross-overless electrostatic , a first . Priced at only $10,995.00 and will be on show in Montreal at the Son Ideal on March 27-29.

Showing 1 response by sancho22

I know it is an old post, but I just stumbled on it. I was actually born and raised in the town in Serbia when these are manufactured. My mother's house is actually about 300 or os yards from the first location where the manufacturing started years ago.

I was fortunate enough to spend 4.5 hours listening to the Virtuoso ESL (and for short time their other models as well) and talking to Zoltan Mikovity the chief designer. Truly impressive achivement in a very humble environment, with a lot of heart and committment. I do prefer these to my Quad ESL (63) any day. Sure you can call me biased, but see it for yourself. You will be in for a treat. Oh and we used some old tube integrated (Luxman perhaps?) of 25wpc. I could only imagine how tehy sound Trafomatic (also Serbian made) tube amps...
Enjoy the music and have a wonderful Holiday Season !