hearing loss and amp choices

Found out yesterday that I have about 25-30% hearing loss in the right ear. Anything around 4000 hz and I display a sharp drop.

Currently looking for a new integrated such as the Vsi75, Sim Audio 700 series, Pass int 25, Belles Aria Sig and my distributor recommended the Rotel RA 6000 series which they are about to carry this  month.

The speakers are the very neutral and flat Studio 100's by ProAc.

My question revolves around the fact of hearing loss vs. expense for SQ. In other words what am i doing to be looking at a 10 or 16 thousand dollar int if my hearing won't appreciate it?

Do I look for something more articulated like the Rotel? Can I appreciate the nuances of tube gear with their richness?

Had Primare stuff (I-30) prior to this but it blew during a power surge and to tell the truth, thought the sound was a bit sterile with this series with little mid bass weight. Now I wonder if all this doesn't matter and should be looking for something with articulation that previously may have thought as "cold".

Just exploring what some of you may have experienced with any hearing loss in regard to previously perceived perceptions to SQ.


My hearing's top frequency range has diminished but my hearing taste just gets better. Decades of loud guitar and I still mix live shows and play all the time. My hifi rig keeps evolving and it seems my brain just adjusts and everything is just  there...run it flat with no EQ generally, just added a Pass XA-25 which is mind altering, I can notice differences in preamp tubes, cables, blah blah. Tinnitus means you're never alone...heh...don't worry, get great gear to compensate for your losses.


hearing loss is not measured in %!

Hearing loss ,as a function of frequency , is displayed on an audiogram and expressed in a decibel value whereas zero decibels is normal hearing sensitivity .

Thus right or left ear responses that are between 0 to 15dBHl are WNL. Any deviation from that range expresses hearing loss.

Hearing loss is categorical from mild to moderate to sever to profound!

mild is from approximately 20-45, moderate 45-65, severe 65-85 and profound above 90dBHL. 
It is difficult to conclude the % what one will 

miss !

Hearing aids do not correct for the loss-they make things louder 

clarity is not guaranteed with amplification!

the advice to try different systems -good advice and get what seems helpful.

Recall, making things louder to an impaired ear may produce distortion with or without amplification.

Personally I have S/N hearing loss bilaterally along with constant tinnitus. For me louder is distorted and too soft is not clear.

My major use of HIFI is to mask the tinnitus ,but I do enjoy what I hear-

Not all sounds good!

nevertheless it is a challenge!






Get a quality hearing aid. It will help you in the other thousands of situations you will be in, outside of listening to music. Trust me!

audio and life advice,,,,dont focus on the negative, focus on the positive....identify what sounds good to you, no on what you "think" you might be missing....though high frequencies do indeed have importance, if you understand music and voice, little primary frequencies are above your area of deficiency, only overtones....much of the enjoyment of good hifi still remains, so audition, and chose what sounds good to you....life goes on!!

Amused at comments about the balance settings .  If you have hearing loss in your right ear boosting the signal to the right speaker will only mean that the stereo signal to that speaker will be louder, you still will not hear the left channel any better. 

I have Phonak aids that have different channels for conversation, music and crowded places. The music setting amplifies all frequencies according to my hearing loss so I can hear a big improvement in my music listening. It may change the sound , I do not know, but I certainly hear the highs and mids I was missing.