I will not repeat this excellent advice from ghdprentice....I will only add this...
If you own a dedicated room work with basic acoustic/psycho-acoustic principle...This work marvel for me...Use your "impaired" ears to tune the room for what you are able to hear yourself and enjoy about timbre and imaging ...
My best wish for you in this journey....
Appreciate of music through a high end system has little to do with the details of your actually hearing specs unless they are severely compromised. Yours are not. Ignore it.
My hearing has always been compromised compared to my partner… most of us are… females have better hearing. I have taken her to most major auditions of equipment over the decades… she always had an opinion… “that sounds better… that hurts my ears.” But she always differs to my deep knowledge of the details and differences.
The only thing you need is a balance control. Forget about the measurements, work towards a system that makes you happy.